Hey, it is a cruel fact of life that we are not good at everything we try. And ya know what? Practice doesn't always make perfect!! OMG!? I know.
I am refering specifically to my sewing, and a little to my attitude towards my Etsy store, KloseKnit.
Oh, and another thing, just because you enjoy doing something doesn't mean that you are necessarily good at it either. Wow, i am a bitter (old) woman today!
I am spread too thin, and things are suffering. I have also realized that you get what you put into your shop/hobby. So instead of knitting anything that strikes my fancy, I need to stop the ADD knitting and FOCUS.
So the shop will be stocked with things I like to knit, and am Good at knittng! I hope to offer more colors of same things. And have them ready to ship this time, instead of knitting frantically when I get an order. I can do this! I can manage my time! I can offer a great product that I am excited about!
It will be better for me and better for my customers.
Oh, well that is all I have time for today.
Back to work.
~ Eileen ♥
I think we all like and enjoy knitting certain items. I like to knit baby blankets, shawls, dishcloths and towels, scarves, and hats. I don't think I will ever knit a sweater or a pair of socks. I have knitted a couple of Christmas stockings. We all need to find a way we can measure our time to suit our needs and not someone else's needs. Good luck in finding your own niche.