Monday, December 6, 2010

December Contest!

Hey, all. I couldn't think of a contest... can ya tell?? Anyway, it finally occurred to me as to what the contest could be!! Tell me your favorite Holiday song! That's it! And you may win. I will just pick a name from the list, and voila, you will win a cute little.....???? Oh, it is a surprise!!
Btw, mine is Christmas Wrapping by the Waitresses. ca.1980?
Now you GO!!!
~contest ends December 17th and I will mail the prize that Saturday.

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Alive!

Hey, all! I have been so busy, and so much has gone on since my last post!!
The latest is, I have my on-line store up and running! I bought my URL, it's and I couldn't be prouder! I bought some advertising space in town, and now I'm up in LIGHTS!! Yaaay! I tried to take a picture from my car window, but it was teeny-tiny. Maybe some evening I will actually park, and take a pic with a real camera, instead of my phone. LOL.
I have been praying for guidance, and the Lord has shown me a path. And, he has blessed me with success! Now I have to pray to accept success, and not be afraid of it...... cause I am! Is that silly?? Or normal? My kid's ear-flap hats and knit jersey shrugs have been popular. Very popular!! Eek!  And I have sold my triangle scarf, and have knit another one up in cream. It isn't photo'd or listed yet (shame on me) so how can I sell it?? Duh. But, between you and me.....I think it is better than the brown one. The button is, for sure. It is a gorgeous cream 2" (50.8mm) lovely. So lovely. My next button purchase will be some hand made birch buttons from Etsy. They will go on everything that requires a button in my shop.
On another note, Dear Hubby has gotten a job!  He was out of work for 5 months. It will probably take us till Spring to get back on our feet.
But enough about that...... who is ready for a contest?? This will run December 1st thru Dec. 13th so I can ship the prize to you in time for Christmas. It is going to be a great prize, the best one yet! Stay tuned for the details...
Have a Great Day!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shop Name KAL

I was inspired by this mochimochi blog

So I want to knit my Etsy name, how cool would that be??

I figured that I would start a knit-a-long on my blog, if anyone else wants to join me-- although this sounds like a "summer project". I am sure most of us are frantically knitting scarves and cowls etc. for the holiday rush. But of course, as knitters we do stuff for ourselves in spurts, so this can be a long term knit-a-long.

I am envisioning a fair-isle type of lettering... but you can do whatever style you like. Perhaps puffy, like in the blog. My shop name is "Klose Knit" so that is what I am going to knit. I will start an Excel sheet to graph my letters. Will post soon!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chinese Take-Out

Kids are funny. My son who is three is funny. Here's the story: So going to the Chinese restaurant last night for some buffet take out. L.o. wants to go, so sure, lets go. Here is the conversation on the way to the restaurant
N- where we going, Mommy?
Me- the Chinese restaurant
N- the Charleese resanant?
Me- yes.
(door closes, walk into the restaurant)
Me- Two buffets, to go
Waiter- Here you go ma'am
N- Where's Charley?
Me- [sideways glance, deliberately ignoring, walking]
N- Mommy, where's Charley?
Me- shhh, hun
N- but where's CHARLEY?? Mommy? Where's CHARLEY??
Me- there's no Charley, honey. Quiet.
N- I thought we were at Charley's. Where's Charley?
Me- I said Chinese. Chinese, honey.
N- not Charley??
Me- no, honey. Chinese. [pay and leave]
N- but where's Charley?
Me- [putting him into his car seat] sigh..
But it was really good food. It only cost $13.00!!! Sweet!

Have a Great Day!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October Contest!! Fiber Scavenger Hunt!

Hey, all. My favorite Merino Boucle style yarn is discontinued. It is a heavy worsted, 219 yard skein product. It costs $9, and they have stopped offering it. *sob*
Sooooo, this month's contest is to find a replacement! I don't know much about on-line yarn shopping, and I bet you ppl do! Here are my parameters:
#1) it has to be soft. I mean soft.
#2) it has to be synthetic free for my Bamboo Springs Store.
#3) it does not have to be boucle, it can be smooth too.
#4) it has to be comparable in price.
#5) it has to be heavy worsted or bulky or MORE! I don't mind a quick knit!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Alpaca, alpaca, alpaca!!

I am knitting hats with a light fawn colored alpaca/llama blend yarn. Oooh, I am so excited! I plan on selling them at the sheep farm and not on Etsy. I will photo them, so if you would like to purchase one, let me know and we will get it figured out.
I have also finished, and listed my prayer shrug.
But back to alpaca, I have a lopi that is thicker, and I want to make my No Hat Head Hats. Here is one that is unfinished- It is from a pattern (gasp!) but didn't turn out so good. My gauge was off. Just a bit!!
 oops. not files!! rofl rofl!

Soooo stoked, I want to get back to knitting!!!!!!!

Eileen (hearts!!)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Seriously Reconsidering Shop Theme

Hey, it is a cruel fact of life that we are not good at everything we try. And ya know what? Practice doesn't always make perfect!! OMG!? I know.
I am refering specifically to my sewing, and a little to my attitude towards my Etsy store, KloseKnit.
Oh, and another thing, just because you enjoy doing something doesn't mean that you are necessarily good at it either.  Wow, i am a bitter (old) woman today!
I am spread too thin, and things are suffering. I have also realized that you get what you put into your shop/hobby. So instead of knitting anything that strikes my fancy, I need to stop the ADD knitting and FOCUS.
So the shop will be stocked with things I like to knit, and am Good at knittng! I hope to offer more colors of same things. And have them ready to ship this time, instead of knitting frantically when I get an order. I can do this! I can manage my time! I can offer a great product that I am excited about!
It will be better for me and better for my customers.
Oh, well that is all I have time for today.
Back to work.
~ Eileen  ♥

Blog Follower Friends!!!!

Hi, I want to let everybody who checked out and liked their alpaca/llama blend that the price is getting ready to go back up, from its sale price $10.75 to $16 a skein.
Just FYI.
I have a hat knitted with the dark brown alpaca. I will finish it tonight and post the picture here tomorrow.
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mother was right..

My mother always stressed for me to have good posture. But your shoulders back, Eileen. Stand up straight.
I attended a Parochial school from K-8th grade, and I thought that would "keep me straight" but it hasn't. I am a computer drafter, and we drafters have a bad habit of slouching. The Drafter's Slouch it's called. Its baaaaad. Lemme tell you how to do it... scoot your butt all of the way to the front of your chair, spread your feet out (past shoulder width) and lean back. Now scooch even more forward, till your shoulder blades are against the back, and you can rest your head at the top of your chair. Don't worry, your feet will keep you balanced. Your arms are just about parallel with the top of your desk, now you can mouse, liten to music, and type all you want.
Yes, not one of my prouder moments. But in my defense, the program was just loading. As you can see, it popped up and then I got right to work. The picture before this one has me flipping off the photog. I will not publish that one, although it has the unloaded screen.

So now I sit on a balance ball. It is big and orange, and my co-workers ask me when its gonna hatch. Lol! It has improved my desk posture, but not my walking posture. They say it takes five pounds off of you if you stand up straight. I need like 30!!! but I will take 5. So lets stand up straight today. Suck your stomach in, and put your shoulders back! You are somebody, gosh darn it! Plus you dont want to get one of those humps on the back of your neck. And your boobs will look better. Who needs more excuses than that?
I hope I made you smile today!
Eileen ♥

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mucho Busy Time!

Hey, all. Wow where to start? I have sooooo much going on, but I want to start off with the good stuff, and maybe I will forget about the not-good stuff!
First of... I GOT MY KNITTING PATTERNS OFF OF MY CRASHED HARD DRIVE!!!!!  Thank you, JT! I had scanned and threw away......over half of my patterns. My cat had decided to "mark" them. Lucky me. So hence the scanning. Then a week later, the computer checked out. Bllahhh. Mayday! But JT restored my files, and I am so thankful!
Second of.... I found an awesome radio channel on Rhapsody. It is New Dawn Fades-Post punk. They played one of my favorite songs EVER -Nemisis by Shreikback. The song brings me back to my B.C. days (Before Children) when my not yet hubby and I would go dancing. Awww, the memories. Now, not all of the songs are good, but it is great background music for around the house. That will be streaming thru my house on weekends from now on. They also played some Morrisey, who's voice is not paralleled by any male singer I know of.  All of this music is free, just go to Rhapsody Radio and pick a station, they have plenty!
Third- my good friend Sandy is making aprons on her sewing machine!! We are going to sell them along with my knitted things at local craft fairs this fall. And one will be given away as November's Blog Contest prize!!
Fourth- I am almost ready to open my new shop, Bamboo Springs. I have a test pilot on BigCartel right now. I like that site because customers don't have to sign in. And they take PayPal, and Visa right there!! How sweet? I have the free package right now.

Ok, now onto more of my favorite things:
I saw a lady at the Farm this weekend that has a blog- ~She is such a sweet young lady, and I am inspired by her knitting philosophy.
~ optimum hilarity, Allie, your humble adorers await more of your sun-shiney verses!
~My little boy who was born legally blind (he can see fine with glasses) got some new specs! He is too cute with his little wire frames. He looks so grown up. What a big boy!

Ok, well that is all for now. I am thinking about next month's contest. I have a couple of ideas, we shall see.  Have A Good Day!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Insomniatic Ramblings

Got up at 5:30. Its SUNDAY. Arrgh
Will nap later.
Anywho, I picked up my fingerless gloves-turned-mitten. I accidentally finished the thumb gusset. So instead of ripping out (or frogging) I decided to finish off the opening. And while doing that on my Etsy-bamboo dpns (double pointed needles), remembered that I wanted size 13 bamboo dpns. So I got on Etsy and bought them. Then I hopped around, looking at pin cushions, and clothing. Then I realized why I gravitated towards knitting patterns with scematics. I think I can take those knitting schematics and sew them! I feel pretty clever, but not 100% convinced that is ethical. Maybe after some sleep it will be clearer.
I have already made up three navy jersey shrugs, I tried a French seam on the latest one, and it was not perfect. So I guess I have a navy jersey shrug! yay!! I refuse to rip out seams. Absolutely. I draw the line. My sewing machine has such sturdy stitches, and I don't know how to space them out (Mom??) and the fabric doesn't really lend itself to that, with the stretchy and all that. If it was a "regular" fabric, I would rip it. But it isnt.
Off tomorrow (today!) to get maroon fabric for my second custom order for the same customer! A repeat customer! Jump for joy! My first to my immediate knowledge.
K, tired now. Sleepy time...
Have A Good Day!

Monday, August 9, 2010

August Contest- Win a Beret Pattern!! Or the Beret if you don't knit

Here is this month's contest!! It runs from now until Aug 31st.

I am in a Natural  mood. I will be opening a new Etsy shop called Bamboo Springs which will include only clothing made from natural fibers. The fibers will be wool, cotton, angora, alpaca, and bamboo or a combination of them. And not just knitted things, but sewn clothing too!! No synthetics at all! Whoo, lets go green! All renewable, all natural, all good!
So that leads me to this month's contest! My inspiration is Shepherd's Cross.  They employ 100% natural sustainable techniques for maintaining the flock, and the wool is washed and prepared in a chemical-free manner! Wrap your mind around that! Then check out this: 

It is a sheep's pelt, but it is felt! The sheep was not harmed from this process. It was simply sheared by hand, and the wool was gathered, washed, and pressed into this piece. It is just like a sheep's pelt. More economical, and makes a great seat cushion, mat, or what ever else you can think of. It is flame resistant, organic, chemical free, humane and lovely!
If you spin, they have a dreamy alpaca-llama blend batt, and if you knit that batt is turned into really nice yarn. They have a sport weight, and a lopi style yarn that is made from this fiber. There is a dark, and a light version of both. I have some of each!! I couldn't resist. Please check out their shop  and comment back here to be entered to win a beret pattern that I came up with. And if you don't knit, well I will whip one up for you!! Just tell me the color! The pattern will be emailed in PDF format, or I can just email it to you. 

Have A Great Day!Eileen

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Discovered a great pattern!

One of my co-workers has developed breast cancer and is under going chemo. Last week her hair started to fall out, and I can only imagine how that would affect a woman (or man). I promised Peggy a hat. And after two attempts at it with my suuuuper soft cotton yarn (one was tooooo big, and the second one was just too big. I am going to turn it into a purse.) I started fresh on a beret made out of another cotton I have. I whipped it up in two evenings and lay it on her desk. She was out this week, due to her recent treatment. I hope she likes the hat.

Well I liked the result so much, I am knitting up another one right away. I wrote the pattern down too, which is rare. The best thing is, you can get two of these berets out of one skein. This cotton knit up so smoothly, it is a dream. You can wear it during all seasons, I am sure. I will be knitting these up is spades for a spring craft fair.
I can't wait to knit one for myself! I can't believe it came out so nice WITH NO PATTERN!!! (I'm starting to believe you, Sandy!)
But I am toying with the idea of  a "Pink For Peggy" campaign and donating part of the sales to breast cancer. I think these berets will be in that category. I am still formulating all of that, and welcome any ideas or donations if you craft.  Other items I am thinking of adding are arm warmers because they knit up fast too. 
I will add pictures of the hat I have on the needles as soon as I finish it, but this weekend is looking pretty busy- two orders this week!! WOW!! One is sewing.....more on that in future post...
Have a Great Day!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

June Contest winner!!!

Congratulations to Beetle!! I wrote all of the entry names down on little pieces of paper, folded them up, and shook and shook until a piece of paper fell out. And it was Beetle!!  I will email you and get your address!!! Thanks, Ladies!!
Next contest is in August. Tell your friends!

Monday, July 12, 2010

What have they got that I ain't got?

"What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the "ape" in apricot? What have they got that I ain't got?" -Cowardly Lion (Wizard of Oz)
 Oh, me oh my. I have seen the cusp of the lowest thing a creative person could do. I see these other knitting Etsy shops selling 4-5 things a day. I am stalking them. "What have they got that I ain't got?" I stare at their items, I study their photography styles. I backwards engineer their items. I want to copy them, and it  makes me feel horrible. If I go down that path, I will surely become a shadow of my former self.
 So I take a deep breath, and funnel the tornado of feelings to DRIVE!! and INSPIRATION!! and REALITY... I have a job (drafter). I have two kids (3 and 7), and I have a hobby (knitting). I don't have 180+ listings. There is no way in hell I could get that many items made/photo'd/listed/sold, much less store them safely away from my fat feline, sticky kid's hands, and motor greased husband.  I have bought storage specifically for my yarn, so maybe as I used the yarn to make the "thing" and transfer the space that way- maybe.
These talented shop owners probably dedicate their days to cranking out cute and stylish hand knit items. Lucky.
I feel like Dorothy when she sang, "If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow why, oh why can't I?"



Sunday, July 4, 2010

M'kay, June contest is over!

A big Thank-You!!! to all that participated! This Green Sleeves June Give-A-Way contest has closed. I will pick a winner early next week (July 5th or 6th).
I am busy busy busy prepping for my Summer Launch of cotton tank-tops, and finishing a custom order for a white shrug. After I get the ends weaved in, and the items ready to photo, I will pull the winner. Odds are even better than my last contest- there were 13 entrants in the April Give-A-Way, and only 5 in this one! Good luck to you, ladies! 
 Have A Great Day!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cotton Shrugs- Marked DOWN!!

Blog insider tip for Kloseknit.etsy's shop

I have marked down all of my cotton shrugs!

This one was $45, marked down to $35, ~ Any color, same price. $8 increase on plus sizes.
                                                        This was $40, and is now $30 ~ Any color, same price.         $8 increase on plus sizes.
And this is a one and only unload, not offered in other colors or size. From $45 to $30
Enter "Blogspot" in the notes to seller, and I will refund the shipping cost to your PayPal.

Also, from my Luxury Line at, I have this little beauty at an EXTREME markdown,
Only $25!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June Giveaway!

Just what you've been waiting for, another opportunity to win something!  
 Are you going to a baby shower soon? I have friend on Etsy and her shop has the CUTEST baby booties, and hats. You won’t find these items at Babies R Us. Oh no, her pieces are so creative, colorful and cute. Handmade gifts are so precious, and perfect to give to a new Mom for her little one.

Visit Alicia’s shop and comment back here on what items you like, or think are the most creative thing you’ve ever seen! Then you will be entered to win my hand knit cotton slim-line shrug!


        This shrug is not available for sale in my shop, and will not be reproduced. It is a very soft simple piece that can double as a scarf.
So click on this link and 
report back here to enter. 
And hey, who knows, maybe
you will find a shower gift, and a chic hat
for yourself. That is what I have, this hat:

  It is one of the most meticulous, precise, care filled handmade items I have ever had the pleasure of owning. The stitching, the detail, the style, all unparalleled in my opinion. That is why I had to get the word out about this shop to as many people as I can. You can be assured that her pieces are all made with love, attention and skill.

 She has very fast shipping, so don’t be put off because she is in the UK. I got my hat in under a week!! And I must add that it was packaged beautifully. In short, this lady knows what she is doing. The Etsy community is a wonderful thing to be a part of, and the best part is meeting people that have the similar ambitions, creative drive, and talent for fiber arts. One of the most wonderful women I have met online is Alicia.

Her shop is, please check it out.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

More Mother May Posts

I am making a gift for my mother from a GORGEOUS bamboo roving I bought at Tulsa Fiber Fest. It is in a delicate pastel color way. My good friend Lucy spun it for me, and plyed it for me into a DK hank that is divine.  I found a pattern in Boutique Knits accessory book that I have on loan from another friend. I am going to make mom pleated fingerless gloves. The pattern uses a store bought trim piece, but I am going to install a cable instead. I am proficient in the simple twisted cable, but I think this calls for a more complex one. I have also done a simple Celtic cable, and well frankly I don't have the patience for that times TWO. So I am on the hunt for another style, not horseshoe, probably a three strand cable. I dunno.
Aaaand.....picks to come!

Also my daughter and I sat down and got three rows on her size 15 pink needles!! Then we both decided to put it down. That was two weeks ago. I am waiting for her to come to me, like a hose wisperer.... wish me luck.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother May I?

This month's theme is mothers. Of course. I happen to be one- a mother of two firecrackers, I might add. They definitely make the days interesting! See example of mother's day from my first born, to be called #1

This was decorating the outside of the envelope. I can't believe she thinks my hair looks like that.....

But check out the inside of this card. My mom likes to WHAAT??

 It says "nit" as in KNIT! Whew!!  First Graders, such kidders!! lol.
And I need to ask her what posty is. Pasta, maybe?  This kid gets 100% on spelling tests....I am concerned.
As a side note, I subscribe to HyperboliandaHalf's blog, and I think my l.o.can help with the drawings on there. Just sayin.
Anyway, there is a spin and knit in at my L.Y.S. and I will be bringing her with me to learn to knit from someone not so prone to "nit" her. eek. It never ends well when I try to teach her. She may be scarred for life.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Birthday Black Cardi Pictures, And CONTEST WINNER!!!!

Hello, all! I finished my Cardi, and here are the pics after I washed it!! Oh sweet baby Jesus, it felted! Thank goodness I have my mannequin, Betty to stretch it back out on. Thank-you Betty! You Rock! But I will never get my stockinette stitch definition back. The Garter stitch still looks ok though.

The yarn smelled like DYE! uugh, I could barely stand it, and my fingers turned black when I knitted it, what is THAT about? Anyway..... here it is drying on Betty. Black does not photo well, but this is my best effort.

And the contest winner is:   Amber! Congratulations!
I put all of your profile names on paper, and folded them up and shook them in a container, and then gave it one more shake, and Amber's paper fell out! Must have been meant to be!  

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog Follower Contest Ends today!

Blog contest ends today!! There will be a random drawing tonight, and I will post the winner tomorrow! The gift is a ceramic mug with a hand-knit cozy, and some fun stuff inside!! Good luck to all of you blog followers!! And thank-you for joining!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New (to me) Bind off technique

After running out of yarn on those curly scarves, I thought, hey that really sucks. My friend Sandy once used a WHOLE SKEIN to bind off a scarf. 
So out of thrifty-ness and sanity (who can gauge how much yarn is needed to B.O anyway??) I dug thru my needle case and pulled out my never been used size I crochet hook. Documented below with pictures is the comparison.

This is the end of the Shoulder Sarong. Preparing to bind off!

This is how the traditional bind-off looked. Using the knit two, slip the first over the second, and proceed. 

Here is a Close-up:

This is the result after "crocheting" the remaining loops of the garment. I knitted to the end of the skein leaving a 3-4" tail and started on the opposite end and looped the last stitches off of the knitting needle with the hook. When I got to the end, I used that little tail to close off the bind-off, and weaved in the end. Voila!

 Close-up ==>

I can't tell the difference, and maybe there would be a problem if the pattern called to Bind off loosely. I've seen that before and thought, okay..bossy. :-)
Maybe crochet hook size matters. Maybe your last
row of stitches matters. Either way, this worked for me. Try it and see if it works for you! And let me know!  Have A Great Day!!!!
Here are the images side by side, for easy comparison:

Knit bind off

Crochet Bind-off

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April is my Birthday month!!

I will be celebrating another revolution around earth's axis this month. I'll be 33, i think. I get the "I forgot how old I am" from my mother. But i do know that seven minus 10 is three. =33! yay! oh wait, boo.
Anyway I have about a thousand different things on the needles, or WIP's. There is the black merino boucle cardigan, it is a birthday present to myself. If you ever wanted to know what knitters knit for themselves when they knit for themselves, well here is your answer. Beautiful soft cardigans, luxy cotton berets, and cute cami and shrug set!! OOOOH joy, everything I am knitting is for MEEEE!!  But I will pic it and post it and knit one for you too! But you can pick a different color, see?? Works perfectly. And plus, I get to road test the item, too. Please, if it can survive my intermittent washing, two clingy kids, slouching, rumpled life, it can survive yours. As per usual, picks to come.

The contest is still on, till April 15th!! We have 11 lucky subscribers entered to win the free gift!!! Ooooh, and it is going to be sweet!

You can find me on Facebook under Kloseknit
And Twitter:

April showers bring May flowers

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Items are here!

Welcome to my blog, if you are here from TraceyKnit's site, I THANK YOU!!

Please check out this link that has some of my 100% Pure Wool handknit items:

Comment to get the convo going!

I just listed two shawls at

Available in these colors:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

More March Madness

Just finished a summer poncho. But the neck is not as good as it could be. I started it with a vision of how I wanted it to look, and it turned out really well! I am excited about the overall structure of it. But I had to "do" one first to get the kinks out. So my prototype is for sale here, I am not going to put it on Etsy. I will put its sisters on there for $45.00 but the im-perfect one I will price at $20. The neck is the only thing that didn't turn out great. It can easily be hidden by a flower brooch, or pin, or bow. I just don't want to add that complexity to the site. It is made from a Merino/acrylic blend yarn that has great sheen, and drape. This one is a pretty sherbet colored one, that will flatter any skin tone. It is to be draped over the shoulders to help protect from the sun, and also ward off some summer evening chills. Asymetrical hem gives you versatility of looks, and the length can be converted to a hoodie. One size fits most. ♥

Monday, March 1, 2010

March, march, march!

"March, march, march! My feet are killing me!" -Winnifred the Elephant from Disney's Jungle Book
That is the theme for March, keep pluggin on. Online sales have screeched to a halt on Etsy. But that doesn't stop me. I ask colleagues what they think of when I say "spring" and "knitted" and I get blank looks.
Well I am knitting triangle shoulder sarongs? Still formulating the name.. It is another item I just cooked up. Super easy, using my favorite style needle and stitch. It is getting good reviews from the guinea people (ie: friends a work). Speaking of friends at work, I am getting personal network orders. six baby headbands w flowers for one person, and I just finished a very pretty soft harvest colored scarf for a friend at work too. The picture is at my site, here:

Plus this lul provides me time to knit stuff FOR ME!!

My hubby has reminded me to get the Monkey Hat Beanie on the site too.... but I just can't get it to the priority spot in my brain. I have the yarn... ugh, guess I have to stay true to my March Mantra.. march, march, march.

Doesn't Betty look great?? I put her in my un-used size 6 jeans (boo) and a shirt I accidentally bought 3 of on line!!! Im gonna get in those jeans, tho.
Alright, lunch time is almost over. Still no blog subscribers yet. Gotta get the word out!

OOH, my shop is going to be featured this month on another blog, I will update when I get the link!

OOH, plus I got a new banner for my Luxury Shop:

ooh, that came out tiny! Guess you gotta visit the shop!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February is for Firsts!!

This month, I am dedicating this month, and this month's blog to firsts. Like first pattern followed exactly (pattern from a book), or first time to use a type of yarn (Merino wool from Uruguay), or a first experiment in cableing.
I have realized that I am too late to get my heart cable armwarmers knitted and sold before V-day on Etsy.
And I have mugs with knitted mug sweater (not finished) that aren't gonna make it to V-day either. Besides, I bet that Etsy wont let me sell mugs from Ikea with handknitted coozies. embroidered with a heart, oh maybe I will dedicate this weekend (02-05-10 thru 02-07-10) to finishing those turkeys. Maybe I can set them out to sell at my MIL's office. I wanted to do about 20 of them and take them to a boutique by Feb 1st. Well THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!! lol.
Well, more firsts to come, with pics. ttyl.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January Post

Blogging on my lunch break- I have neglected my blog for over a MONTH!

Over Christmas break, I experimented. 14 days off, and I knitted about 80% of the time I was awake.

I mastered the houndstooth:

First Attempt

Second Attempt

Then I tried colors:

And this is my contribution to society over Christmas 2009 break! No Excuses to be UNELEGANT!! And cold.