Saturday, January 29, 2011

What's up, buttercup?

Alrighty, February contest time! Since spring is right around the corner (and last year was my busiest knitting season!) let's think happy spring thoughts! Hopefully, we can banish any dreary, gray, and slushy thoughts we're having!
Here we go:
tell me your upcoming projects or plans. They could be remodeling, crafting, hair color change, or health-wise changes you will be trying in the near future. These are different than resolutions, in that we will actually DO them!! Haha! The prize will be a skein of natural 100% pure fiber (either wool or alpaca) shipped to the winner. Heck, I'll even wind it for ya!
I'll go first. My plan is to sew more projects. The two in mind are recovering my sofa pillows shabby chic style, and sew up some project totes from some fat quarters I impulse bought. My little girl picked one to, so we will make them together. I'm pretty stoked to create along side her!
K, you go!!
Please  have a good day, and remember God gave you this day to show your love to somebody else!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Vintage Knits

I have seen some captivating Vintage Knitting patterns for sale on Etsy like here, and here. I just love the retro feel and look of these hand knit items. Plus, they must be free domain, right?? Clear to sell as I understand it!! I think that will be my next Etsy purchase.
Now here is my most recent purchase:
I picked up some Yarn Bee alpaca from Hobby Lobby that has cream and purple tone which begged me to make a beret and fringed scarf. I bought two skeins. So yummy. I might just go and start that today, I have a free afternoon. Well if I skip swinging by the elementary school, and getting the next weeks groceries. And cleaning the kitchen, and putting away the clean laundry. Ugh. How young is too young for slave labor? I have a Seven and a Three year old. And a 33 year old (hubby). LOL Well we can do that stuff this evening, and throughout the weekend, right?
Well at any rate you have a good weekend!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well its 2011. Whoop. I remember wondering how old I would be when it was 1999, lol!! (Prince Song) At that time I never would have thought that I would be living as comfortably, as close to so many people, and have a whole new family!! That includes my home family (hubby and daughter and son) and my adopted family, my in-laws (mother, father, sister, brother in laws). They have replaced my New York family as party attenders and holiday sharers. My mother's family is still in New York. I miss them, but my new family softens the change.kloseknitclaremore
I have had a very tumultuous Christmas season (that is what my calendar calls it...Christmas). I have a strained professional relationship that has snuck up on me. I don't know exactly what caused the strain, otherwise I would address it, I don't beat around the bush. But every encounter, email, conversation with this person grates on my nerves. I am pondering on severing this relationship. I think I will give it another month, but I really don't think it will last. It is too bad, but I don't want to grit my teeth every time I see this person's name on my email or caller ID. Sigh.
My online business hasn't taken off like I wished it would. Maybe that was a good thing, because I wouldn't have been prepared to supply a mountain of orders. My Etsy sales have been very steady, and very pleasant! Hopefully all of my customers are happy with their item. And I have spent $450 on a bill board sign in November for a three month spot, and have gotten NO SALES from that on my kloseknitclaremore sight! I did get one sale, from NEW JERSEY!! I doubt they saw my sign.  So needless to say, I will not be investing in that again! Sheesh. I couldn't afford it at the time. But it is cool seeing my shop name in lights.
[ insert picture in near future ]

January is selfish knitting month. I am knitting a cashmere blend navy blue Ultimate Sweater
 I am up to the armpits, and think I made it too short. I have a long torso, so I think I will tear out the 6 or so rounds and add another 3-4 inches before re-attaching the sleeves. I am very happy with the way it has turned out so far.

Jumping topics again, I had a craft fair that went so successfully that I almost had a fist fight over one of my last items!! This gave me resolve to prepare for next year/winter all through the year. And offer only already made items on my Etsy to keep my hands free to stock up for the next event. Depending on my production, I might even get a kiosk at the mall. That demands a huge amount of time on my part (a whole weekend, possibly every weekend in December friday, sat, sunday)! Like I said, it depends on my production through out the year. Luckilly, I have a knitting friend who is so talented and she has offered to help me in what ever I ask her to knit. We still need to work on that arrangement though, money wise for something this large. I am thinking a percentage, 10% or 15% I get to keep. Dunno, need to iron this out with her.
But anyway, I have typical resolutions. Get in shape, knit more, make more money. Be more patient with my spouse, and communicate more clearly. I sure do love that big galumph!
Have a Great Day,