Thursday, July 22, 2010

Discovered a great pattern!

One of my co-workers has developed breast cancer and is under going chemo. Last week her hair started to fall out, and I can only imagine how that would affect a woman (or man). I promised Peggy a hat. And after two attempts at it with my suuuuper soft cotton yarn (one was tooooo big, and the second one was just too big. I am going to turn it into a purse.) I started fresh on a beret made out of another cotton I have. I whipped it up in two evenings and lay it on her desk. She was out this week, due to her recent treatment. I hope she likes the hat.

Well I liked the result so much, I am knitting up another one right away. I wrote the pattern down too, which is rare. The best thing is, you can get two of these berets out of one skein. This cotton knit up so smoothly, it is a dream. You can wear it during all seasons, I am sure. I will be knitting these up is spades for a spring craft fair.
I can't wait to knit one for myself! I can't believe it came out so nice WITH NO PATTERN!!! (I'm starting to believe you, Sandy!)
But I am toying with the idea of  a "Pink For Peggy" campaign and donating part of the sales to breast cancer. I think these berets will be in that category. I am still formulating all of that, and welcome any ideas or donations if you craft.  Other items I am thinking of adding are arm warmers because they knit up fast too. 
I will add pictures of the hat I have on the needles as soon as I finish it, but this weekend is looking pretty busy- two orders this week!! WOW!! One is sewing.....more on that in future post...
Have a Great Day!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

June Contest winner!!!

Congratulations to Beetle!! I wrote all of the entry names down on little pieces of paper, folded them up, and shook and shook until a piece of paper fell out. And it was Beetle!!  I will email you and get your address!!! Thanks, Ladies!!
Next contest is in August. Tell your friends!

Monday, July 12, 2010

What have they got that I ain't got?

"What makes the Hottentot so hot? What puts the "ape" in apricot? What have they got that I ain't got?" -Cowardly Lion (Wizard of Oz)
 Oh, me oh my. I have seen the cusp of the lowest thing a creative person could do. I see these other knitting Etsy shops selling 4-5 things a day. I am stalking them. "What have they got that I ain't got?" I stare at their items, I study their photography styles. I backwards engineer their items. I want to copy them, and it  makes me feel horrible. If I go down that path, I will surely become a shadow of my former self.
 So I take a deep breath, and funnel the tornado of feelings to DRIVE!! and INSPIRATION!! and REALITY... I have a job (drafter). I have two kids (3 and 7), and I have a hobby (knitting). I don't have 180+ listings. There is no way in hell I could get that many items made/photo'd/listed/sold, much less store them safely away from my fat feline, sticky kid's hands, and motor greased husband.  I have bought storage specifically for my yarn, so maybe as I used the yarn to make the "thing" and transfer the space that way- maybe.
These talented shop owners probably dedicate their days to cranking out cute and stylish hand knit items. Lucky.
I feel like Dorothy when she sang, "If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow why, oh why can't I?"



Sunday, July 4, 2010

M'kay, June contest is over!

A big Thank-You!!! to all that participated! This Green Sleeves June Give-A-Way contest has closed. I will pick a winner early next week (July 5th or 6th).
I am busy busy busy prepping for my Summer Launch of cotton tank-tops, and finishing a custom order for a white shrug. After I get the ends weaved in, and the items ready to photo, I will pull the winner. Odds are even better than my last contest- there were 13 entrants in the April Give-A-Way, and only 5 in this one! Good luck to you, ladies! 
 Have A Great Day!!